Meet Imogen Ann Wertz, induced and born 8 days late on December 11th at 8:36 PM:
We were thrilled to discover that we had a little girl! She came into the world with the lungs and pipes of 2 year old and has been asserting herself from the very beginning. Imogen loves to jump and move and doesn’t particularly like to be in the same spot for more than 3 minutes (literally). She has mastered the art of rolling across the floor, pulling hair, and putting her pacifier in her mouth. She has been nicknamed, “Hold me and I’m happy Imogen,” a “mover and a shaker," and our sweet little "pterodactyl." We are praying that God would use her bold voice for great good as she grows to become a speaker of Truth!
Quint turned 2 in May. He LOVES to be outside, sing, play his “guitarleelee” (otherwise known as a ukelele), identify and pretend to play instruments, and play with or look at trucks & heavy machinery. He likes to line up all of his cars, stack bottles & containers from the spice cabinet, and play his ukelele and sing. He can count to at least 20, knows all of his ABCs, and sing a major scale up AND down, in tune and on solfege (much to our amazement).
And now, just when you thought everything might be calming down (as much as that can happen with 2 kids), we are on the verge of some very exciting changes...
In about a week it will be 3 years since we moved out of our house in State College, moved all of our belongings into storage and waited 2 months before we had a house to live in in the city of Williamsport. We did this because we felt called and drawn to serve the city and be a part of a church that had yet to begin. We didn't really know what we were doing, but we knew that we felt purpose in moving to this community. It was scary, hard to explain, but oh, so exciting.
Right before we moved here, I got word that a wonderful singer/teacher colleague of mine was leaving Williamsport and so I applied for her job at Lycoming College...God provided. We arrived and fell into fabulous community of old friends and new, but Aden was still driving 2.5 hours a day for work. We started meeting with 12 people to make plans for City Alliance. We started small groups about 7 months later. A year after we'd moved we had our first service. All this time Aden was commuting back and forth from State College, teaching elem. general music. He loved his school community and the kids he encountered but his heart felt pulled in a different direction - ministry and marriage/family counseling... But there was no flexibility to pursue that fully in our current stage of life. He applied to jobs in Lycoming Co and as several different possibilities passed by, we wondered what God's purpose was in keeping him in State College, a great community, but not where our heart and home was.
The church has grown in wonderful ways and been blessed by the awesome Grace of God as we strive "to transform Williamsport for the glory of God and the good of the city." We are looking to the future and starting to plan for further growth. As it turns out, Aden's gifts and desires matched the needs and desires of the church, "for such a time as this." And so, Aden is finishing up his last 2 weeks as an elementary music teacher in the State College School District and as of August he will be employed by City Alliance Church with the goal of completing his licensing with the CMA to become the Associate pastor and to pursue a master's in Marriage and Family Therapy to further take part in an awesome journey to serve the City of Williamsport. Who knew, 3 years ago, that this is where we would be. We are rejoicing in the work that God is doing in not only our lives, but in the lives of our faith community and the city, for we serve a God who is "able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." (Eph. 3:20) We also serve a God with a sense of humor because I told Aden toward the beginning of our relationship that I never wanted to be a pastor's wife, but now I am so thrilled to see him walk into this calling.
I am thanking the Author of Life for penning an awesome story that is still being written...
by Donald Lawrence
I feel seasons everywhere
And I feel blessings in the air
Those seeds that you've sown
You're gonna come into your own. Seasons...
Walk into your season.
I believe we're in a time when God's gonna bless the saints
Those who have stayed, those who have prayed,
He's gonna fulfill the promise He made, for I heard the Spirit say
"It's your time, the wait is over, walk into your season."
I know that you invested a lot, but the return has been slow
You throw your hands and say, "I give up, I just can't take it anymore"
But I hear the Spirit say that
It's your time the wait is over, walk into your season
You survived the worst of time
God was always on your side
State your claim and write your name
Walk into this wealthy place
I hear the spirit say that it's your time the wait is over
The wait is over it's your time